Monday, January 21, 2008

Tuesday evening snow

A short wave with limited energy will ride north of the region tomorrow, bringing light precipitation to the region. There is potential for enhanced precipitation to occur with stronger warm air advection along with the continued possibility of a wave developing along the front. Still some uncertainty in that regard, but even with that development, it would likely be too far east for Keene to see a significant difference. Ptype will not be an issue, with temperatures between 23 and 26 during the event. With a marginal omega field briefly in place, could see a period of good snow growth Tuesday evening before precip moves east. Ratios should be close to 12:1 to 14:1 through the event, but a low QPF will be the limiting factor.

Snowfall for Tuesday through Tuesday Night:
1" - 1.5"

--- Delay potential ---
Very minimal threat Wednesday. Snow should be done before midnight, possibly as early as 9pm. Still should be cautious driving to work and school on Wednesday morning as the roads could be a little slippery.

Main threat to commuters will be Tuesday evening. Snow will have started by 1pm, and accumulated over half an inch by 5pm. Take it slow on the way home from work.

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