Friday, March 14, 2008

Moderate snow event Sat AM

Low pressure moving in from the Ohio Valley will bring wintry weather to the area tonight.

An impressive increase in moisture from the models. The GFS is much wetter, dropping .8" to 1.0" of water equivalent by tomorrow evening. GFS omega fields are very impressive, with a burst of -15 microbars per second shown between 2am and 8am. The op NAM is a dry outlier, which is a little unusual considering its wet bias, but the NAM also continues to perform very poorly, so Im gaining confidence in at least .5".

The main issue however is going to be ptype. Temperatures are marginal for a snow event. 1000-850mb and 850-700mb thicknesses support snow, however surface temperatures remain in the mid to upper 30's across the county right now, with high wet bulb temperatures as well, which means not much in the way of evaporational cooling. We will likely start out with rain, maybe a rain / snow mix for elevations above 1000ft. By 2am, Keene, especially higher elevations will be seeing a wet snow falling.

Precipitation should be over by noon tomorrow.

Snow accumulation forecast for elevations below 1000ft: 2" - 3.5"
Snow accumulation forecast for elevations above 1000ft: 3" - 5"

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