Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Coming to a close

Although overnight temperatures continue to hold a wintry feel, dropping into the 20s with areas of frost, increasing solar heating will not be beaten. Tomorrow holds the potential for an incredible temperature range! Starting off at 24 to 25 in the morning, temperatures will rise to a high of 72 to 73 in the afternoon: A 47 to 49 degree spread! This is due to the absense of winds, along with very dry air.

Anyway, barring a rare post April 15th snowfall - very unlikely this year, we are done with snow, leaving the season at 106.4" (34" above the normal seasonal snowfall).

Storminess will begin to increase slightly towards the end of the month, but still rather inactive. We could still see some temperature swings allowing for a cold rain, but snow is doubtful. Further west, the Great Lakes region and upper Midwest still have some potential for accumulating snows.

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